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3 Simple Ways To Be More Active And Influential On LinkedIn

Providing you have optimised your profile and started to grow your network with quality connections, there is no reason why you shouldn’t already be interacting with more prospects than before.

But how exactly?

In the last post, we looked at the importance of joining groups and interacting with members to raise your profile, credibility, and perceived authority: all key components of influence.

But group activity needs to work alongside a few other important LinkedIn activities that will get you in front of your potential customers, engaging with them, providing insight, and staying front of mind.

This post looks at three of the ‘other’ main ways to do that…

Regularly publishing status updates

Every time you post a status update it appears in the feeds of all your connections. That’s your picture and words showing in the feeds of prospects and peers: what better way to remain at the front of their minds?

But be careful. We have a saying here that content without context is SPAM.

Consider carefully what you post in your status updates. Explain a little about WHY you are sharing it and this will help connections understand your approach and potentially align with you…

Remember that it doesn’t have to be your own content; in your status update, you can share content from other sources that may be useful to your network.

The key is to be consistent with this activity – preferably daily. You need to let your network know that you haven’t fallen down a hole and that you are open for business, with great ideas churning over in that mind of yours.

Connections can interact with you via the comments section.

Tip: Updates with images and videos are always read more than plain text!

Profile posts

Publishing articles on LinkedIn Pulse is a great way to demonstrate activity and expertise via ‘long form’ content.

A few years ago, this was the exclusive domain of top influencers on LinkedIn but now everyone can (and should) do it: it’s a great way to showcase content and to become an influencer.

That’s exactly what we did with this previous post about optimising your profile headline and summary:

Again, there is a comments section for connections to ask questions or share opinions on your post.

Plus, when you publish a post there is a notification in the news feeds of all your connections. This means that your post automatically receives exposure and encouragement for people to click through and read it.

Even if they don’t read it, your face is in their feed, which is important in itself.

Finally, the content you publish also appears as a summary in your profile and so there is a double whammy to this activity:

Ready to generate more leads, and more clients in just 10 days? Join The Challenge.

Commenting & liking posts

Another simple way to be more active on LinkedIn is to comment on and like the posts of those in your network.

Liking posts won’t increase your influence directly but it will help to create the goodwill that your connections will reciprocate with – making it more likely that they will check out your content.

Your comments also appear in the feeds of your connections, helping your name and profile image to stay front of mind with prospects.

Your LinkedIn activity level begins to stick out like a sore thumb. If you’re absent for weeks on end, people simply forget you exist; be active daily and, over time, you will see your influence grow in your network.

Status updates, published posts, likes, comments, shares, and group interactions all work together to create a pattern of activity that we keep you ‘plugged’ into your network.

However, it quickly gets buried unless you do it daily. That’s why a consistent and regular activity is key to growing influence; it can’t be achieved with 10 minutes on LinkedIn per week.

P.s. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you grow your business with LinkedIn

1. Grab a free copy of our book: It’s the roadmap to connecting with prospects, engaging with and converting new clients, and leveling up your consulting business – Click Here

2. Join the Influencer Boardroom and connect with other advisors and consultants who are scaling too: It’s our Facebook community where smart advisors and consultants learn to generate more purpose, profit, and power. – Click Here

3. Join us inside our pitch-free private training. We’ll show you our profile optimisation secrets. You’ll learn how to connect with prospects, engage with and convert new clients, and amplify your business on LinkedIn. Click Here

4. Work with me and my team privately and get big results in 90 days. If you’ve got an established business and want to level things up fast, let us help you implement a LinkedIn strategy customised to your business. Have a look at our client results, then apply here and give me some details about your business. Click Here

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